The Importance of Good Manners


CHILDREN LEARN THEM AT HOME | THE EXAMPLE OF ADULTS IS FUNDAMENTAL. As it is said “good manners begin at home”, and there is no doubt about that, but sometimes from educated parents, spoiled children come out and of course no mom or dad likes their child to be seen that way. The question is how to get our children to have good manners, but what is meant by good manners and good behavior when it comes to a child? Will it be knowing which fork to use when food [...]

The Importance of Good Manners2022-12-10T04:53:27+00:00

Opinion in the Classroom


ATTACHMENT IN THE CLASSROOM Attachment in the classroom: guidelines to understand it and begin to modify it. The development of teaching skills is necessary to know how to create a secure bond with students who may be in a situation of risk. Information about attachment theory is reaching educational centers, but there is still a long way to go. Teachers need support and training to learn how to deal constructively with insecurely attached children. They are looking for positive, warm and trusting relationships, but they do not have the skills [...]

Opinion in the Classroom2022-12-06T06:09:04+00:00

Students With ADHD


Students with ADHD How a teacher can understand and help a student with ADHD One of the areas where the impact of ADHD is most severe is in the academic environment and especially in the primary stage. Boys and girls spend half of their days in a school where they must be exposed to multiple socio-emotional, personal, physical and academic challenges. It is there where, faced with different situations, children with ADHD find it difficult to find support, solve problems, relate correctly, control their impulses, maintain appropriate behavior and degree [...]

Students With ADHD2022-12-06T06:04:40+00:00

Insomnia in Students


INSOMNIA IN STUDENTS Student Health: Insomnia During confinement, routine changes have occurred that affect how we sleep and our quality of rest. Sometimes, we even start to worry because we don't feel sleepy and the hours go by at dawn. There is a problem that is being talked about more and more and it is insomnia. But, what is insomnia? How do I know if I have it? What are the risks? And what changes does it bring to your body? In this article you will find the answers to [...]

Insomnia in Students2024-01-24T20:17:25+00:00
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