The Job


Nehemiah—The Godly Administrator The godly manager has a calling from God, a character developed by God in him, and conduct that also reflects the Lord. He empathizes with his employees—Nehemiah 1:5 Understand the concept of authority—Nehemiah 1:5 Servant heart—Nehemiah 1:6 Humility—Nehemiah 1:6–7 Responsibility—Nehemiah 1:6–7 Faithfulness—Nehemiah 1:8–9 Self-control—Nehemiah 2:2–3 Loyalty—Nehemiah 2:5 Foresight—Nehemiah 2:6–8 Initiative—Nehemiah 2:7–9 Wisdom—Nehemiah 2:11–16 Makes a team—Nehemiah 2:17–18 Organization—Nehemiah 3:1–32 Leadership—Nehemiah 4:13–14 Discernment—Nehemiah 4:19–20 Decision—Nehemiah 4:22 Justice—Nehemiah 5:6–7 The purpose of your job should not just be to fulfill your goals, but to fulfill God's purpose for you. [...]

The Job2024-01-24T19:38:39+00:00



The meaning of the names From the smallest villages to the largest cities around the world, people are always asking the same questions: “Does God know me?” "He loves me?" "Can you forgive me?" Behind those questions lies an essential theme. How is God..., who is he? Does he know what his own name literally means? Does it denote something about you? In Biblical times, the name of a Hebrew person carried a very important message about him. It could represent something very specific, such as a physical characteristic, an [...]


How to Solve Conflicts


When we stop reading the Bible only as a source of historical data and read it to find answers to life's problems, we will soon discover that it is a relational book. Flip through its pages through the stories of Old Testament families, then through the nation's battles against oppression. Then peer into the inner conflicts so boldly expressed in the Psalms and find divine truths. Also, find the revelation that Jesus Christ makes of the heart of God through the parables and in the way he lived. You may [...]

How to Solve Conflicts2022-12-19T03:00:57+00:00



The integrity problem The executive who runs a company fills his pockets at the expense of his shareholders. The politician makes promises that he has no intention of keeping. The student "borrows" answers from his classmates to pass a test. The minister falls into adultery under the pretext of filling an "unsatisfied need." The driver exceeds the speed limit thinking that he will not be penalized. The lawyer gives a much larger account to his client to increase his profit. And the list goes on. If he asks someone, "Do [...]


Evil and Suffering


When life seems unfair We must recognize that we have all said to ourselves at some point: Why? That's not fair! How could it happen...? The whys of life confuse us because we are on this side of heaven. However, when we reach our heavenly home, we will see that our afflictions made us understand others better, our tears made us more tender, and our dilemmas brought us closer to the Lord. For example, a student sustains a fracture when he is thrown out the window of a colliding car. [...]

Evil and Suffering2022-12-17T06:20:14+00:00



The best decision Imagine that you are sitting at the bedside of someone you love dearly… someone who is suffering from an incurable disease. What happens when you face the dilemma of having to make a medical decision, a momentous decision with moral implications? Is it valid to decide that the loved one who is suffering should die due to the circumstances? What is the right perspective to make the right decision? How can you be sure you're making the right decision in the midst of a clinical crisis? When [...]


Assurance of Salvation


God's guarantee for you “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and I give them eternal life; and they will never perish, nor will anyone snatch them out of my hand. My Father who gave them to me is greater than all, and no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand." (John 10:27,29). Trusting your life into the hands of Christ results in three glorious gifts of grace. You are saved by the Savior. You are sealed by the Spirit. You are [...]

Assurance of Salvation2022-12-17T06:06:07+00:00

The Gospel in Children’s


Sowing the spiritual seeds Can a child understand the reality of an invisible God? Can a child understand salvation and the meaning of Christ's death on the cross? Some say you should wait until children are older to talk to them about faith, salvation, and other spiritual topics, when they reach the age where they can understand abstract things. Later, during their teenage years, they will be better reasoned with…mind to mind and intellect to intellect. However, parents who wait that long find that they waited too long, because their [...]

The Gospel in Children’s2022-12-17T05:56:22+00:00

Take Care of Others


A Biblical Example of Caring for Others “And behold, a lawyer stood up and said, to test him: Master, by doing what will I inherit eternal life? He said to him: What is written in the law? How do you read? He answered and said, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself. And he said to him: You have answered well; do this, and you will [...]

Take Care of Others2022-12-17T05:44:32+00:00



Give the Lord first place When God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, he began with these words, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). He knew that if we made our relationship with him the highest priority, he would bless our lives and we would be a blessing to others through our interpersonal relationships. The main problem with codependency is that it violates the core of the first commandment. In a codependent relationship, you allow someone else to take the place that only God should occupy in [...]

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